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FDM Group Australia

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Application Process & Interviews at FDM Group Australia

8.5 rating for Recruitment, based on 25 reviews
Please describe the interview process and assessments.
There was an initial cognitive ability test type thing. After that there was a short screening interview and then a final interview split between technical skills and personality-based questions. I was living in another country than my recruiter and it was still a very smooth process. It was about two weeks from initial application to being offered a position.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Oct 2023
Hiring process is very well done. Recruiters provide additional resources to help you prepare for your interview.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Oct 2023
It's challenging which makes it more appealing when you are selected
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Jul 2023
Round of interviews - no assessments.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Oct 2022
I applied, got contacted by a recruiter, who was excellent. I then did a video interview, which I passed, then a aptitude test, then had a few more interviews in the assessment centre.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Oct 2022
1. Phone interview 2. Assessment Centre 3. Logical and reasoning test 4. interviews
Graduate, Melbourne - 17 Mar 2021
Interview process was good, however there was a slight delay on getting me onboarded but the clients onboarding process is very slow.
Midlevel, Sydney - 24 Feb 2021
Interview process was simple and assessments were relatively easy
Graduate, Sydney - 22 Feb 2021
Apply for the job with a resume, speak with a recruitment manager over the phone a few times, attend an assessment centre where you discuss the role with multiple departments, get a role offer.
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Feb 2021
Three stages of assessment, with very fast response time and great levels of feedback from recruiters
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Feb 2021
In order: - 1 phone interviews - 2 face-to-face (skype) interviews: HR, behavioural and technical - IT Aptitude test
Graduate, Sydney - 17 Sep 2019
1. phone interview 2. Formal interviews 3. assessment centre
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Sep 2019
The recruitment team responded to my application within a day, set up a follow-up phone interview, followed by a skype interview the next week. The whole process only took a week, and I started two weeks after I was selected
Graduate, Sydney - 27 Aug 2019
4 Rounds: 1- informal phone interview, 2 - formal phone interview asking what you know about the company, why you want to work for their clients, 3 - Assessment Centre, 4-interviews with an HR, Sales and training representative, 4 - online assessment if you pass the assessment centre
Graduate, Sydney - 23 Aug 2019
Prescreen phone interview, Assessment Centre with strengths based interviews and then an aptitude test
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2019
1. Telephone Interview 2. Assessment Centre (composed of (2a) Technical Interview, (2b) Sales Interview, (2c) Behavioural/Competency-Based Interview, & (2d) Technical Aptitude/Psychometric Online Exam
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2019
Assessment day consisting of multiple interviews
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Jun 2019
What questions were you asked in your interviews?
In terms of technical questions there was some basic questions to show an understanding of my skills; Can you describe what an array does? Explain what this piece of code does. Can you fix this function so that it works? Personality wise there was a standard set of questions; Tell me about yourself. Explain what the word resiliency means to you.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Oct 2023
Technical interview with logic questions. "Why do you want to work in tech." "DO you have rights to work in Australia" "Tell me about yourself"
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Oct 2023
What value I add to the team, why I want to work in this space etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Oct 2022
Things like the importance of resilience, how to multitask, how to handle and build relationships, what I enjoy about tech, what are my career goals.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Oct 2022
What are your strengths? what are your weakness? why would you like to apply for this role? How do you solve the conflicts with your team member
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Mar 2021
How to handle a ticketing system - How to handle a crisis e.g.) burning building - Understanding SSD/generic level of IT equipment - What do I admire the most about HSBC - Explain what working in a team is
Midlevel, Sydney - 24 Feb 2021
Tell me about yourself
Graduate, Sydney - 22 Feb 2021
Questions in the assessment centre were split into three parts. There was a HR interview where they were more focused with myself as a person and how I handled situations in the past. This was followed by a sales interview. Afterwards, there was a very basic technical interview where high level development problems were discussed (focussed on lists and sorting).
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Feb 2021
Why I want to go into IT, what my experience is, etc.
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Feb 2021
Why do you want to work for this company? Where do you see yourself in the future?
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Sep 2019
A variety of technical, background and behavioural questions to ensure I would be able to cope with the training program and would fit in well with the rest of the team.
Graduate, Sydney - 27 Aug 2019
What do you know about FDM? Why would you want to work for their clients? (mostly financial) Why IT?
Graduate, Sydney - 23 Aug 2019
Strengths based interviews
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2019
Why I want to work in this field, what I know about IT in the finance sector, what makes me suitable to work with their clients
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Jun 2019
Do you have any specific tips and advice for candidates applying to your company? How would you recommend they best prepare?
I think the company is pragmatic about their position as a leading graduate pipeline into companies, so they don't expect experts or people that are very strong technically. Be confident in yourself, even if you aren't necessarily confident in your skills.
Graduate, Melbourne - 11 Oct 2023
Go through the material provided by FDM before your interview. Use the STAR method. Be relaxed and know your worth.
Graduate, Sydney - 11 Oct 2023
Be themselves, talk about their experience not what the recruiters want to hear.
Graduate, Sydney - 12 Oct 2022
Show your true interest for technology and knowledge of FDM also. Be prepared to talk about any uni group projects or any coding assignments that can show you have experience, these will help answer allot of the questions. Even feel free to share your screen in interviews to show your work.
Graduate, Sydney - 06 Oct 2022
Do the company background research. Prepare the behaviour questions really well
Midlevel, Sydney - 24 Feb 2021
Don't script your answers, prepare a story as most of the questions are strength based.
Graduate, Sydney - 22 Feb 2021
Candidates need a passion in technology and confidence in what they are talking about. They need to diversify where their stories come from, but most basic interview prep should be fine.
Graduate, Sydney - 20 Feb 2021
Ensure they expand on their interview answers, as the interviewers never ask follow-up questions
Graduate, Sydney - 18 Feb 2021
Research well why you want to work in IT and why you want to be a consultant. Know yourself and be mentally prepared to face the ups-and-downs of working as a consultant. Be proactive and find time to always improve yourself
Graduate, Sydney - 16 Sep 2019
Its best to research the company, make a note of what strengths they are looking for, and recall past experiences that demonstrate that you meet those strengths
Graduate, Sydney - 27 Aug 2019
Commercial understanding of what role you are going into. Give examples for every single question
Graduate, Sydney - 07 Aug 2019
Reflect on your achievements and think about what the company is looking for
Graduate, Melbourne - 20 Jun 2019